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Learn Terraform

Latest Release

By James Woolfenden

What is Terraform

Terraform is a language and tool for creating infrastructure via a technique called Infrastructure as Code. This is an example of an AWS instance, know as a resource, called "web" described in Terraform with 4 properties set:

resource "aws_instance" "web" {
  ami           =
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  tags          = var.common_tags
  key_name      = aws_key_pair.ssh.key_name

What it means

The first line starts with Resource, this declares the type of object, in this case a resource, alternatives include module, data or variable.

"aws_instance" is the type of resource, in this case an instance or EC2 Virtual Machine. "web" this is just the object name, the name is up to you. The brackets are a fairly typical declaration of an object, the opening must be on the first line.

ami =

The property ami is set to, data means its a data resource, of type aws_ami that's been called xenial and supply the property id.


The property instance_type has been hard-coded to the string value.

tags = var.common_tags

The tags property has been set to var.common_tags, which is a declared variable called common_tags.

Then when Terraform is run, it will check and create the resource if it's not existing already. If it's different, it will fix the drift in the object to make it as the specification.

The tool

The Terraform tool is written in Go-lang, and available for many platforms as a single executable binary, you can find the source hosted on Github here: Terraform, it is being actively developed and there are very regular updates to its core changelog and to it's providers: AWS and it's changelog or GCP and its changelog

Current Terraform GitHub release (latest by date)

This site focuses on how to use the free edition and features of the Open source tool and Terraform Cloud. Unless called out, all AWS infrastructure will be provisioned in just one AWS region.


Terraform is a second generation DevOps tool, it is designed to help you provision infrastructure. Templates are designed in Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL) to describe how your infrastructure should be, and can be used to create and model your infrastructure, as well as being part of your Configuration Management Tool-chain.


In no particular order:

Puppet and Chef

These are the old guard or the v1.0 CM Tools, lots of agents and lots of set-up.


No Servers and No Agents. A very useful tool for configuration and in combination with Packer and Terraform.


Salt Stack

More popular the otherside of the Atlantic, very rare in London/SE.


Popular with some AWS Consultants.


If you want to code your infrastructure in a language you already know, this is for you, with support for Python and JS. Great for small teams with no specialised infra experience and if you can't get your head around the declarative approach of Terraform, this ones for you.

Your own scripts

Probably won't makes sense to even you six months later, god forbid you have use someone elses or they yours.

The Console

Well that's not DevOps is it.